Discover How to Go from Daily Bickering and Distance to Loving & Connecting With Your Man
(whether or not he’s willing to change right now)
or keep reading for all the details ⇣
Have You Ever Wondered...
“Why are we so disconnected?”
“Why would he do that?”
“What happened to the man who would listen to me?”
“I feel like I have another child instead of a partner.”
“Why does he get irritated or angry at minor things?”
“Does he not see the dishes on the counter?”
“Could he just handle it for once?”
“Why does he always walk away when we’re talking?”
“What on earth is he thinking?”
“I wish he’d just take the initiative to do it himself.”
You just want to be close and happy with the man you fell in love with.

And You Know Relationships Have Their Ups and Downs…
...but Something’s Gotta Change.
Where did this grumpy guy come from, and why does he get irritated so easily? He just retreats to his man cave for hours (except when he wants sex).
Can’t he just offer to cook dinner or take the kids to play, so you can get a break?
What happened to all the loving looks, the funny texts? The supportive shoulder? The listening ear?
What Happened?
And to top it all off...
Nothing You Try Seems to Work.
Talking About It Doesn't Help.
You risk all of that when you try to bring something up to him. It probably leaves you feeling ignored, invalidated, confused, or hurt.
Maybe you try to do more loving things. Saying “I love you” more, leaving a sweet note, or coming up with a date night idea! But that doesn’t make a difference either…
Maybe you second-guess everything and jump through endless mental hoops just trying to figure out what you should say or how he will respond.
Maybe you’ve given up — nothing you say ever works anyways.
So you’re “stuck” in the cycle of silent frustration that eats away at you. Both of you. You don’t want to make a problem or spark a fight. Talk about walking on eggshells…
The Worst Part??
You Don’t Know What to Do,
Oh my goodness do I want to hug you right now. I want to bring over some coffee, sit in a quiet place with you, and hear all that is on your heart. I know there’s so much pain inside as you think about it all. As you think about your relationship and the way you are longing for it to be, rather than the way it is. So you go on, day to day, doing all the things you do to try to make it better, hiding this pain, maybe thinking about it in the few quiet moments you get.
It can be better. I promise.

I’ve Discovered How You Can Break Through His Silence and Tough Exterior. Finally, Truly Connect So You Both Feel Understood, Cherished, Appreciated, and Loved.
(Yes, Really!)
That’s what I want to share with you today.
Hi, I'm Shaunti Feldhahn
How did I figure it out — the way to end the cycle?
It’s a funny story…
I was writing my second fiction novel and one of my main characters was a devoted husband and father.
I had to put thoughts in the character’s head, but I realized that I had no idea what a guy would think in different situations. So, I interviewed my husband, Jeff, and many other male friends and colleagues.

I asked the men “What would you be thinking if you were the character in this scene?”
And what I heard stunned me.
I wasn’t only shocked by what they were thinking. The bigger surprise was how foundational it was to them.
These weren’t fleeting feelings that popped up every few months. These were deep fundamental needs, fears, doubts, and thought patterns that occur in men every single day.
It didn’t matter if the man I was talking to was young or old, what his racial or cultural background was, whether he was married or single, a church-goer or atheist, a corporate executive, or a factory line worker - I kept hearing similar things.
That sparked my curiosity about how much I thought I understood about men... but truly didn’t.
Once I went beyond the surface of “men have huge egos”... “men are simple”... “men avoid issues,” I found wonderful insights.
But, I was still curious. Did those insights from my handful of discussions apply to most men?
Turns out that they do.
Each insight has been repeatedly tested and carefully validated with reliable evidence. I started with one survey of men, and have now conducted twelve groundbreaking, professional, nationally representative surveys, interviews, and focus groups with more than 40,000 people. Not only men, but women and teens as well. To see the differences. To see what is in all our hearts.
I want to share with you today the insights I learned from all that rigorous research.
Insights that I have shared with countless other women. Women who have transformed their relationship with this new knowledge.

You Can Have That
“We’re In It Together”
feeling like you had at the beginning
By Getting I.N.S.I.D.E. His Head to Connect with His Heart

For women who need MORE from their relationship.
The greatest part about this course?
You Can See Transformation Even If it is Only YOU Working on It!
This course is all about him, but for you!
You are empowered to learn and implement new knowledge about him. |
You can create change without feeling responsible for his actions (or, perhaps, his inaction) |
You can see amazing improvements in your relationship. |
While relationships are two-sided, it only takes action from ONE side to see transformational change.
What’s Included in Understanding Him:
Module 1: Include His Differences |
![]() Create lasting change in your love life by understanding him better |
In this module, you’ll dive deep into the revelations that came from my many years of research. You’ll uncover where the stereotypes about men are right and where they are very, very wrong. It’s time to shed old assumptions that hold us back. Instead, let's lay the right foundation so you can apply this new knowledge to the man in your life. What You’ll Take Away
Module 2: Nurture His Vulnerability |
![]() “Ugh!! Why can’t he do anything right?” |
Are you hitting a raw nerve in your partner, without even realizing it? This module dives into the insecurities of most men (and they are not what you’d think!!). Look past the confident (or stony) face of your partner to the tender and insecure man inside. Instead of hitting his vulnerabilities, speak life to his inner man. This will spark a positive cycle that draws him in and helps him become the man he wants to be, for you. After This Module, You’ll Be Able To...
Module 3: Speak His Language |
![]() Transform your conversations from bitter fighting to mutual understanding |
In this module, you’ll understand how most men process and communicate. You’ll discover common triggers that lead to communication meltdowns and how to avoid them. Learn to work with the way your man is wired, rather than against it. As a result of this new understanding, you’ll move toward a happier, loving relationship. After This Module, You’ll Be Able To...
Module 4: Illuminate His Contribution |
![]() His greatest motivators |
In this module, you’ll dive deep into the heart of your man. Most men have 3 common desires (this is one of the strongest trends I see in my research across men of all backgrounds). He feels these SO deeply that I like to call them his 3 driving burdens, compulsions, or motivations. Learn these 3 desires and how to shine a spotlight on them. Because when you illuminate his success in these areas he will appreciate it so much that he will be willing to run through a brick wall for you. What You’ll Take Away
Module 5: Discover His Desires |
![]() Rekindle your sex life |
We often view physical intimacy in marriage as a physical urge — but did you know it carries an enormous emotional meaning for men? In this module, we will tackle common misconceptions like this so you can have a better understanding of your man. And in this module, we are going to shine a light on YOUR needs, too. Sex is a mutual experience vital to both parties, so let’s help you “click” in that arena and have a fulfilling sex life. What You’ll Take Away
Module 6: Embrace His Heart |
![]() Build new habits |
We have traveled through the maze of understanding him, to connect with his heart. And now it’s time to apply that knowledge going forward. This module puts all of the pieces together. Focus your efforts in the right areas and build a relationship where BOTH of you feel more cherished, appreciated, and loved. What You’ll Take Away
Understanding Him Workbook |
![]() An ongoing resource for application and source of support for you, long after the course is done |
That's not all.
Go from “We don’t get each other”
to “We can’t get enough of each other”
with these incredible included bonuses...

Bonus #1:
Understanding Him as a Dad
For many of you, your man is more than your spouse. He’s the father to your children, and understanding him as a parent can be a completely different ballgame. That’s why we created this Ebook, “Understanding Him as a Dad.”
He probably approaches parenting differently — maybe more often than you’d like. But your child needs BOTH of you (including your unique way of doing things) for their healthy development.
And understanding why he parents the way he does will bring you closer in the process. So you can go from “Why would he take the kids to Target in pajamas, is he out of his mind?” to “Look at the wonderful memories he’s created for our children!”

Bonus #2:
Commitment Cards
You have the power to improve your relationship… but maybe it doesn’t feel that way right now.
It’s like planting seeds. Once you plant them, they still need sun, water, nutrients, and time to grow. They are growing! But everyone needs a reminder to stay the course every now and then.
Make a resolution to build these new habits, and stay committed to them, with printable reminder cards. Put them on your bathroom mirror, in the kitchen windowsill, on your desk, or in your wallet.
Use them to remember all the important practical teachings from the course — and your commitment to what you can do. Use them to help you water your seeds and watch your marriage flourish.

Bonus #3:
Jump-Start Journal
Consider this bonus your “secret weapon” for creating lasting change in your relationship (months and years after taking this course). This bonus is a valuable habit tracker & application journal that will help you apply the course concepts in your life — immediately and with ease.
You’ll know the exact steps you can take to improve your relationship today.
You don’t want a temporary band-aid that helps for a short time… before fading away when old habits kick in. Instead, this will help you develop new, healthier habits for long-term relationship success. Developing those new HABITS is truly where the magic happens, and I have seen it happen over and over again.

Bonus #4:
Crisis & Couples: How to Emerge Stronger Through Unexpected Challenges
This past year has been a huge reminder that life brings unexpected challenges — whether it’s a financial crisis, a death in the family, or a global pandemic.
No matter how strong your marriage is, life will throw something your way. That’s why I’ve created a “Crisis & Couples” Ebook with resources and practical steps to help you handle unexpected challenges.
This will help you learn how you can come together in the face of adversity, and emerge stronger as a couple -- instead of being pushed further apart.

- Module 1: Include His Differences
- Module 2: Nurture His Vulnerability
- Module 3: Speak His Language
- Module 4: Illuminate His Contribution
- Module 5: Discover His Desires
- Module 6: Embrace His Heart
- Understanding Him Workbook
- Bonus 1: Understanding Him as a Dad
- Bonus 2: Commitment Cards
- Bonus 3: Jump-Start Journal
- Bonus 4: Crisis & Couples EBook
Total Value = $3,456
Today's Investment
4 payments of $89
$299 (save 16%)

Don’t believe me when I say that it only takes ONE person to see transformational change in your relationship?
Here’s what other women had to say…
(Lightly edited for clarity and method.)
Knowing this is a must for anyone in a relationship or plans on being in one. I have been married for 8 ½ years and wish I would have had this insight from the beginning.”
- Marie
Wish I would have had this knowledge earlier in my life to better understand men. This information is not disrespectful or demeaning to the opposite gender but gives us insight on how men think, what their needs are, and how we can love them well. I grew up with two brothers and think this knowledge would have helped me as a sister to understand them instead of being frustrated with them.
- Stephanie
The way our culture does relationships/marriage isn't working! Look at the statistics & the vast amounts of unhappy couples. This knowledge WILL change that for you if you'll let it. The insights & encouragement & TRUTH are life changing - for the woman AND her man. If you desire a better relationship with your love, learn & apply this!
Incredible. As a twenty-two year old woman that has never had what a marriage should truly look like modeled in my home (divorced parents), I can truly appreciate how deep this insight goes into real life issues and how to be a Godly wife/girlfriend. It has already helped heal some open wounds.
- Kayla
This made a huge difference in our relationship. I never told my husband I learned this...only wanted to understand him more and change how I respond to situations. We no longer fight like we used to and our romance is great! That was about 3 years ago and we are still going strong. Our relationship these past couple of years has been some of the best in our lives (and we have been married for 20 years).
- L.T.
O my gosh!!! Get this information. I am 74 and it is amazing the things I didn't understand. I was married 47 years when my husband died and I could have used this knowledge and been a better wife, if I had understood these things. I am newly married, soon to be 3 years and this insight has greatly helped me understand more. Also my new husband is looking at the information for him [“Understanding Her”]. You won’t regret learning this. You will find your love is even more deep!!! Even when you thought it was deep anyway.
- Martha
I learned more than I ever expected. This knowledge is very insightful and gives practical advice. Something I did was mark questions, quotes, or survey answers that shocked me. I then asked my husband (He was so willing and excited to help. He kept asking "when are you going to ask me those questions"!) about the items that shocked me to see if he agreed with and felt the same about specific statements and answers. He agreed with 99% of the questions I asked. I was even more stunned, but he was happy I was beginning to understand him more deeply.
- Yosh
So many times in our almost 15-year relationship I've been wondering why my husband acted that way... It is now at last that I begin to understand him, I can totally relate to the situations that you've described. Thank you so much for shedding light on this matter.
- Irene
So timely. Thank you, simply thank you.
What could have turned into a dispute this evening (as my husband is about to leave for a 9 day business trip), I can now see in a truer light. As a simple need for him to pause the discussion in order to give it his full attention when he returns.
What a blessing. Thank you.
- Victoria
...helped my relationship in more ways than I could have imagined. It is very accurate, and I use some of these principles on a daily basis.
- Sierra
Truly eye-opening for me. I discussed this information each week in a small group of other women (highly recommend) and my husband was participating simultaneously in a men's small group with the men's information. [See “Understanding Her.”]These led to my husband & I having some very deep and honest and difficult discussions which were so helpful. We really learned more about each other and I believe this entire process helped to further strengthen our marriage.
- Carrie-Anne
So informative and eye opening! Based on interviews with men, so very helpful to get into a man's brain (so to speak). Recommend to all women who want to understand how their man thinks. A+!
- Anne
Our 100% Risk-Free,
Money-Back Guarantee
This course has pivotal information I believe every single woman should know (based on my 18 years of research interviewing and surveying over 40,000 men and women).
I know these powerful insights can help you...
❤ Discover fresh ways to relate to your partner that you didn’t know before
❤ Get practical strategies and make a long-lasting, positive change in your relationship
❤ Build a relationship where BOTH of you feel more cherished, appreciated, and loved
…but you haven’t seen my research (yet).
You might still have doubts if this will work for you.
I know how vitally important a healthy, connected marriage is. So I don’t want any barriers holding back from the relationship you need.
That’s why I’m offering a rock-solid guarantee.
If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, videos, expert information, or bonuses within the next 30 days, I will offer you a full refund, for any reason. Simply send us an email and I will happily refund you to the last cent.
That means you can dive in today, risk-free. Take the full 30 days to explore the materials in this course, see how it can impact your relationship, and decide if it is right for you.

- Module 1: Include His Differences
- Module 2: Nurture His Vulnerability
- Module 3: Speak His Language
- Module 4: Illuminate His Contribution
- Module 5: Discover His Desires
- Module 6: Embrace His Heart
- Understanding Him Workbook
- Bonus 1: Understanding Him as a Dad
- Bonus 2: Commitment Cards
- Bonus 3: Jump-Start Journal
- Bonus 4: Crisis & Couples EBook
Total Value = $3,456
Today's Investment
4 payments of $89
$299 (save 16%)

Is Your Relationship Dying One “If He Would Just…” Thought at a Time?
You’ve probably thought this before (maybe too many times to count).
Rolling your eyes, exasperated and thinking...
“If he would just fill the gas tank up when I ask, then we wouldn’t be late...”
“If he would just stop walking away and talk through this with me…”
“If he would just put the dishes away without me asking...”
Thoughts like this seem harmless at the moment… but they are detrimental to your marriage.
Not only does this tear down your husband by communicating that he’s not good enough, but it has a much deeper, insidious impact on your heart: Building Resentment.
These thoughts build, build, and build. They fester underneath the surface until you feel stretched thin like a rubber band ready to snap.
Eventually, this boils over until you feel full-blown resentment towards the person who is supposed to be your life partner. It may even result in divorce papers.
Every eye roll, small grudge, and “If only he...” adds more kindling to a fire that can light at any time.
How much longer can you go on like that? How much can you afford to NOT make a change?
Because it doesn’t have to be this way.
Understand what’s in his brain so you can stop chipping away at your marriage “If He Would Just…” at a time.
Yes, I’m Ready to Understand Him

- Module 1: Include His Differences
- Module 2: Nurture His Vulnerability
- Module 3: Speak His Language
- Module 4: Illuminate His Contribution
- Module 5: Discover His Desires
- Module 6: Embrace His Heart
- Understanding Him Workbook
- Bonus 1: Understanding Him as a Dad
- Bonus 2: Commitment Cards
- Bonus 3: Jump-Start Journal
- Bonus 4: Crisis & Couples EBook
Total Value = $3,456
Today's Investment
4 payments of $89
$299 (save 16%)

Now, You May Be Wondering...
What exactly do I get with Understanding Him?
This is all about him… but what about my needs?
Does my husband have to participate for this to work?
I’m single, does this course still apply to me?
I know you have a book about men for women, why shouldn’t I just read that?
I’ve tried other things before and they haven’t worked. What makes this course any different?
I’m not looking to fix my relationship, but I am interested in your research. Will this course still benefit me?
Is there a guarantee?
Wisdom Worth More Than Gold
This is more than just another online course.
This is your marriage. This is your life partner.
You’ll live with this man every day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, every year. For the rest of your life.
Your relationship has the potential to be a loving, thriving, long, joy-filled marriage. (If you truly didn’t believe that, you probably wouldn’t have made it this far down the page.)
Also if you’re reading this, you’re probably in a place of hurting right now… maybe there are negative cycles that you can’t seem to break.
So I want to illustrate how this new knowledge can impact your life. And I’m going to use a real story from another couple many years ago...
One weekend on the second morning of a women's retreat, I saw a couple walking down the hallway to me. A petite woman who I recognized from the retreat was walking next to a HUGE man. (Like, 6’6" NFL player huge.)
When I looked up to say hello I was startled. There were tears in his eyes.
He told me this:
“We’ve been in counseling and I had no way of explaining why I was so hurt. I didn’t have the words for it. But after your talk, now SHE has those words. And I also realize… if there were all these things she truly didn’t know about me, I realize there are probably SO many things I didn’t know about her. I know there is a lot I need to work on. But this has given me so much hope that we can get there. I had to come down here this morning and tell you thank you.”
WHY was there a transformation? It wasn’t because she was magically inspired by this women’s conference. She was already trying hard!
But, for the first time, she saw his true inner man. Not the outer one. She KNEW things she simply didn’t know before and had the language to talk about it.
With this new knowledge, she could finally try hard in the RIGHT areas.
She still had to decide to take that step.
Now, it’s your turn…
What will you decide?
Yes, I’m ready to Understand Him

- Module 1: Include His Differences
- Module 2: Nurture His Vulnerability
- Module 3: Speak His Language
- Module 4: Illuminate His Contribution
- Module 5: Discover His Desires
- Module 6: Embrace His Heart
- Understanding Him Workbook
- Bonus 1: Understanding Him as a Dad
- Bonus 2: Commitment Cards
- Bonus 3: Jump-Start Journal
- Bonus 4: Crisis & Couples EBook
Total Value = $3,456
Today's Investment
4 payments of $89
$299 (save 16%)